
스타크래프트 [StarCraft / March 31, 1998]

AI_CAT 2024. 9. 17. 21:49

StarCraft는 블리자드 엔터테인먼트가 개발하고 발행한 실시간 전략 비디오 게임으로, Microsoft Windows용으로 1998년에 출시되었다. 첫 번째 시리즈인 이 게임은 1999년에 클래식 Mac OS 버전이 출시되었으며, 2000년에는 Mass Media와 공동 개발하고 Nintendo가 발행한 Nintendo 64 포트가 출시되었다.

블리자드는 1995년 Warcraft II가 출시된 직후 이 게임 개발에 착수했다. 게임의 첫 번째 모습은 1996년 전자 오락 엑스포(Electronic Entertainment Expo)에서 공개되었으나 Warcraft II와 비교되어 부정적인 평가를 받았다. 결과적으로 프로젝트는 완전히 재구성되었고, 1997년 초에 다시 공개되었을 때 훨씬 긍정적인 반응을 얻었다. 이 게임의 멀티플레이어는 특히 한국에서 인기가 높으며, 플레이어와 팀이 프로 대회에 참가하고, 스폰서십을 받으며, 방송된 토너먼트에서 경쟁하고 있다.

25세기 AD의 가상의 미래 시나리오를 배경으로 한 이 게임은 밀키웨이 은하계의 한 먼 지역인 코프룰루 섹터(Koprulu Sector)를 배경으로 한다. 이 게임은 세 가지 지능적인 종족이 지배권을 두고 싸우는 이야기를 중심으로 한다. 테란(Terran)은 지구에서 추방된 인간으로 어떤 상황에도 적응하는 데 능숙하다. 저그(Zerg)는 유전적 완벽을 추구하며 다른 종족을 동화시키려는 곤충형 외계인이다. 프로토스(Protoss)는 고급 기술과 사이오닉 능력을 갖춘 인류형 종족으로, 저그로부터 자신의 문명과 생활 철학을 지키려고 한다.

많은 비디오 게임 저널리스트들이 StarCraft를 가장 중요한 및 최고의 비디오 게임 중 하나로 평가했다. 이 게임은 실시간 전략(RTS) 게임 개발의 기준을 높인 것으로 평가받으며, 2009년 2월까지 1,100만 장 이상 판매되어 개인 컴퓨터용 게임 중 가장 많이 팔린 게임 중 하나가 되었다. 고유한 진영을 RTS 게임플레이에 도입한 점과 매력적인 스토리로 찬사를 받았다.

StarCraft는 2000년부터 2016년까지 출판된 소설 시리즈, 확장팩 StarCraft: Brood War, 그리고 Insurrection과 Retribution이라는 두 개의 공식 추가 콘텐츠를 통해 스토리가 확장되었다. 후속작인 StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty는 2010년 7월에 출시되었으며, 2013년과 2016년 사이에 두 개의 확장팩과 캠페인 팩이 출시되었다. 원작과 확장팩의 리마스터 에디션은 2017년 8월에 출시되었으며, 원작 게임은 2017년 4월에 무료로 제공되었다.

게임 플레이
StarCraft의 이등변 시점에서 저그 식민지를 공격하는 프로토스 군대

블리자드 엔터테인먼트가 StarCraft에서 세 가지 뚜렷한 종족을 사용한 것은 실시간 전략 장르를 혁신한 것으로 널리 평가된다. 모든 유닛은 각각의 종족에 고유하며, 기술 트리에서 특정 유닛 간에 대략적인 비교가 가능하긴 하지만, 각 유닛은 다르게 작동하며 성공하기 위해서는 서로 다른 전술이 필요하다.

사이오닉 및 기술적으로 능숙한 프로토스는 강력한 유닛과 기계, 에너지 보호막 및 지역적 워프 능력과 같은 고급 기술에 접근할 수 있다. 그러나 그들의 군대는 제조 과정이 길고 비용이 많이 들어서, 유닛의 질을 양보다 중시하는 전략을 권장한다. 곤충형 저그는 완전히 유기적인 유닛과 구조물을 가지고 있으며, 빠르게 생산되고 자원 비용이 저렴하지만 상대적으로 약하다. 저그는 수적 우세와 속도로 적을 압도하는 데 의존한다. 인간형 테란은 다른 두 종족 사이의 중간 지점을 제공하며, 유연하고 다재다능한 유닛을 제공한다. 그들은 탱크와 핵무기와 같은 다양한 탄도 군사 기술과 기계에 접근할 수 있다.

각 종족은 고유하지만 어떤 종족도 다른 종족에 비해 본질적인 이점을 가지지 않는다. 각 종족은 서로 다른 강점, 능력, 기술을 가지고 있지만 전체적인 힘은 같아 균형이 맞춘다.

StarCraft는 인공지능(AI)의 난이도가 조정되며, 싱글 플레이어 캠페인에서 난이도 수준을 변경할 수는 없다. 각 캠페인은 적 진영이 쉬운 AI 모드로 시작하여 캠페인 진행에 따라 점점 더 어려운 AI 모드로 발전한다. 게임에 제공된 레벨 편집기에서는 "쉬움", "중간", "어려움", "미친" 네 가지 AI 난이도를 설정할 수 있으며, 각 설정은 AI 진영의 유닛과 기술, 전술 및 전략 계획의 정도가 다르다. 싱글 플레이어 캠페인은 세 종족 각각 10개의 미션씩 총 30개의 미션으로 구성된다.

자원 관리
각 종족은 게임 경제를 유지하고 군대를 구축하기 위해 두 가지 자원, 즉 미네랄과 베스핀 가스에 의존한다. 미네랄은 모든 유닛과 구조물에 필요하며, 자원 노드에서 직접 수확하는 작업 유닛을 사용하여 얻는다. 베스핀 가스는 고급 유닛과 건물을 건설하는 데 필요하며, 가스 추출 건물을 채굴할 수 있는 용기 위에 건설하고 작업 유닛을 사용해 가스를 추출한다. 또한, 플레이어는 자신이 필요한 유닛의 수를 유지하기 위해 공급을 조절해야 한다. 공급의 본질은 종족마다 다르지만—테란은 물리적 공급을 공급소에 보관하며, 프로토스는 본래의 세계에서 채널링된 사이오닉 에너지를 사용하고, 저그는 지배하는 오버로드 유닛의 수로 조절된다—공급 메커니즘은 각 종족에서 동일하게 작동하여, 자원이 충분할 때 새로운 유닛을 생성할 수 있게 한다.

기지 건설
프로토스와 저그의 건물 건설은 특정 위치로 제한된다. 프로토스 건물은 전력망에 연결되어야 하며, 거의 모든 저그 구조물은 특정 구조물에서 생성된 생물체를 덮은 "크립"(creep) 위에 배치되어야 한다. 테란 건물은 제한이 훨씬 적으며, 특정 주요 기지 구조물은 느리게 새로운 위치로 비행할 수 있다. 그러나 테란 건물은 작업 유닛이 계속 건설 작업을 해야 완료된다. 또한, 테란 건물이 일정량의 피해를 입으면 불이 붙고 추가적인 적의 행동 없이도 화재로 인해 결국 불타버릴 수 있다. 반면, 프로토스는 작업 유닛이 건물을 전투 지역으로 운송하는 것만 필요하며, 그들의 건물은 보호막(구조물은 아님)이 재생된다. 저그 작업 유닛은 생성된 구조물로 물리적으로 변형되며, 구조물은 서서히 치유된다.

StarCraft의 멀티플레이어는 블리자드 엔터테인먼트의 인터넷 서비스를 통해 제공된다. 이를 통해 최대 8명이 다양한 게임 모드에서 경쟁할 수 있으며, 모든 다른 플레이어를 파괴하는 것(경쟁적인 Ladder 플레이와 비경쟁적인 Melee 플레이 포함)에서부터, 왕의 언덕, 깃발 잡기 등의 목표 기반 게임에 이르기까지 다양한 모드가 있다. 또한, 게임에는 다양한 전문 시나리오가 포함되어 있으며, 축구 게임을 시뮬레이션하거나, 테란 호버바이크 유닛을 사용해 자전거 경주를 하거나, 저그 사냥 대회를 여는 등의 게임이 있다. StarCraft는 제한된 멀티플레이어를 지원하는 스폰 설치를 포함하는 몇 안 되는 게임 중 하나이다. 디스크에서 설치해야 하며, 전체 버전과 동일하게 제품 키가 필요하다. 그러나 하나의 제품 키로 최대 8개의 스폰 설치를 Battle.net에 접근할 수 있게 지원한다. 스폰 설치의 제한 사항에는 싱글 플레이어 미션을 플레이하거나 멀티플레이어 게임을 생성하거나 캠페인 편집기를 사용하는 기능이 포함된다. Battle.net이나 Windows Vista 레이블이 포함된 디스크를 통해 제공되는 최신 릴리스는 스폰 설치를 지원하지 않는다.






StarCraft is a real-time strategy video game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment, released for Microsoft Windows in 1998. The first installment of the series, it was released for Classic Mac OS in 1999, and a Nintendo 64 port, co-developed with Mass Media and published by Nintendo, was released in 2000.

Blizzard began development of the game shortly after the release of Warcraft II in 1995. The initial version was showcased at the 1996 Electronic Entertainment Expo but received negative comparisons to Warcraft II. Consequently, the project was entirely overhauled, and when it was reintroduced in early 1997, it received a much more positive response. The game's multiplayer is particularly popular in South Korea, where players and teams participate in professional competitions, earn sponsorships, and compete in televised tournaments.

Set in a fictitious future timeline during the 25th century AD in a distant part of the Milky Way galaxy known as the Koprulu Sector, the game revolves around three intelligent species fighting for dominance: the Terrans are humans exiled from Earth who are skilled at adapting to any situation; the Zerg are a race of insectoid aliens in pursuit of genetic perfection and obsessed with assimilating other races; the Protoss are a humanoid species with advanced technology and psionic abilities who are attempting to preserve their civilization and strict philosophy about their way of life from the Zerg.

Many video game journalists have praised StarCraft as one of the most important and greatest video games of all time. The game is also said to have raised the bar for developing real-time strategy (RTS) games. With more than 11 million copies sold worldwide by February 2009, StarCraft became one of the best-selling games for the personal computer. It has been praised for pioneering the use of unique factions in RTS gameplay and for having a compelling story.

StarCraft's storyline has been adapted and expanded through a series of novels published between 2000 and 2016, the expansion pack StarCraft: Brood War, and two officially authorized add-ons, Insurrection and Retribution. A sequel, StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, was released in July 2010, along with two expansion packs and a campaign pack between 2013 and 2016, while a remastered edition of the original and its expansion pack was released in August 2017. The original game, along with the expansion, was released for free in April 2017.


Blizzard Entertainment's use of three distinct races in StarCraft is widely credited with revolutionizing the real-time strategy genre. All units are unique to their respective races, and while rough comparisons can be drawn between certain types of units in the technology tree, every unit performs differently and requires different tactics for a player to succeed.

The psionic and technologically adept Protoss have access to powerful units and machinery, advanced technologies such as energy shields and localized warp capabilities. However, their forces have lengthy and expensive manufacturing processes, encouraging players to focus on the quality of their units over quantity. The insectoid Zerg possess entirely organic units and structures, which can be produced quickly and at a far cheaper cost to resources, but are accordingly weaker, relying on sheer numbers and speed to overwhelm enemies. The humanoid Terrans provide a middle ground between the other two races, offering versatile and flexible units. They have access to a range of more ballistic military technologies and machinery, such as tanks and nuclear weapons.

Although each race is unique in its composition, no race has an innate advantage over the other. Each species is balanced so that while they have different strengths, powers, and abilities, their overall strength is the same.

StarCraft features artificial intelligence that scales in difficulty, though players cannot change the difficulty level in the single-player campaigns. Each campaign starts with enemy factions running easy AI modes, scaling through the course of the campaign to the hardest AI modes. In the level editor provided with the game, a designer has access to four levels of AI difficulties: "easy," "medium," "hard," and "insane," each setting differing in the units and technologies allowed to an AI faction and the extent of the AI's tactical and strategic planning. The single-player campaign consists of thirty missions, split into ten for each race.

Resource Management

Each race relies on two resources to sustain their game economies and build their forces: minerals and vespene gas. Minerals are needed for all units and structures and are obtained by using a worker unit to harvest the resource directly from mineral nodes scattered around the battlefield. Players require vespene gas to construct advanced units and buildings, and they acquire it by constructing a gas extraction building on top of a geyser and using worker units to extract the gas from it. In addition, players need to regulate the supplies for their forces to ensure that they can construct the number of units they need. Although the nature of the supply differs between the races—Terrans use physical supplies held in depots, Protoss use psionic energy channeled from their homeworld via pylons, and Zerg are regulated by the number of controlling overlord units present—the supply mechanic essentially works in exactly the same way for each race (just with differing impacts on gameplay), allowing players to create new units when there are sufficient resources to sustain them.

Base Construction

Protoss and Zerg building construction is limited to specific locations: Protoss buildings need to be linked to a power grid, while almost every Zerg structure must be placed on a carpet of biomass, called "creep," that is produced by certain structures. Terran buildings are far less limited, with certain primary base structures possessing the ability to take off and fly slowly to a new location. However, Terran buildings require the worker unit to continue construction on the building until it is completed. Also, once a Terran building has taken a certain amount of damage, it will catch fire and can eventually burn to the ground without further enemy action if repairs are not performed by a worker unit. The Protoss, by contrast, only require a worker unit to begin the process of transporting a building to the theater of operations via warp, and their buildings' shields (but not their structure) are regenerative. The Zerg worker unit physically transforms into the structure created, which is capable of slowly healing itself.


Multiplayer on StarCraft is powered through Blizzard Entertainment's Internet service. Through this, a maximum of eight players can compete in a variety of game modes, including simply destroying all other players (which may be competitive, as in Ladder play, or non-ranked, as in melee play), to king of the hill and capture the flag objective-based games. In addition, the game incorporates a variety of specialized scenarios for different types of game, such as simulating a football game, using the Terran hoverbike unit to conduct a bike race, or hosting a Zerg hunting competition. StarCraft is also one of the few games that includes a spawn installation, which allows for limited multiplayer. It must be installed from a disc and requires a product key to work just as the full version does. However, one product key can support up to eight spawned installations with access to Limitations of a spawned installation include the inability to play single-player missions, create multiplayer games, or use the campaign editor. Newer releases of the game available through or discs that include the Windows Vista label don't support the spawn installation.



StarCraft(スタークラフト)は、ブリザード・エンターテイメントが開発・発行したリアルタイムストラテジー(RTS)ビデオゲームで、1998年にMicrosoft Windows用に発売されました。シリーズの第一作目であり、1999年にはクラシックMac OS版が、2000年にはMass Mediaと共同開発しNintendoが発行したNintendo 64ポートが発売されました。

ブリザードは、1995年にWarcraft IIが発売された直後にこのゲームの開発に着手しました。ゲームの初期バージョンは1996年の電子エンターテイメントエキスポ(Electronic Entertainment Expo)で公開されましたが、Warcraft IIと比較されて否定的な評価を受けました。その結果、プロジェクトは完全に再構築され、1997年初頭に再公開された際には、はるかに好意的な反応を得ました。このゲームのマルチプレイヤーは、特に韓国で人気が高く、プレイヤーやチームがプロの大会に参加し、スポンサーシップを受け、テレビ放送されたトーナメントで競い合っています。

25世紀ADの架空の未来シナリオを背景にしたこのゲームは、ミルキーウェイ銀河系の遠く離れた地域であるコプルルセクター(Koprulu Sector)を舞台にしています。このゲームは、3つの知的な種族が支配権を巡って争う物語を中心に展開します。テラン(Terran)は地球から追放された人間で、どんな状況にも適応する能力に優れています。ゼルグ(Zerg)は遺伝的完全性を追求し、他の種族を同化しようとする昆虫型の異星人です。プロトス(Protoss)は高級技術とサイオニック能力を持つ人類型の種族で、ゼルグから自らの文明と生活哲学を守ろうとしています。


StarCraftのストーリーは、2000年から2016年までに出版された小説シリーズ、拡張パック「StarCraft: Brood War」、および公式に認可された追加コンテンツ「Insurrection」と「Retribution」を通じて拡張されました。続編である「StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty」は2010年7月に発売され、2013年と2016年の間に2つの拡張パックと1つのキャンペーンパックが発売されました。元のゲームとその拡張パックのリマスターエディションは2017年8月に発売され、元のゲームは2017年4月に無料で提供されました。


Blizzard EntertainmentがStarCraftで3つの異なる種族を使用したことは、リアルタイムストラテジージャンルを革新したと広く評価されています。すべてのユニットはそれぞれの種族に固有であり、技術ツリー内の特定のユニット間で大まかな比較が可能ではあるものの、各ユニットは異なる方法で機能し、プレイヤーが成功するためには異なる戦術が必要です。









StarCraftのマルチプレイヤーは、ブリザード・エンターテイメントのBattle.netインターネットサービスを通じて提供されます。これにより、最大8人のプレイヤーがさまざまなゲームモードで競い合うことができ、すべての他のプレイヤーを排除する(競技的なLadderプレイや非競技的なMeleeプレイを含む)ものから、キング・オブ・ザ・ヒルやキャプチャー・ザ・フラッグなどの目標ベースのゲームまで様々なモードがあります。さらに、ゲームにはサッカーゲームをシミュレートする、テランのホバーバイクユニットを使用して自転車レースを行う、ゼルグ狩り大会を開催するなどの様々な専門シナリオが含まれています。StarCraftは、限定的なマルチプレイヤーをサポートするスパウンインストールを含む数少ないゲームの一つでもあります。ディスクからインストールする必要があり、完全版と同様に製品キーが必要です。ただし、一つの製品キーで最大8つのスパウンインストールをBattle.netにアクセスできるようにサポートします。スパウンインストールの制限には、シングルプレイヤーミッションのプレイ、マルチプレイヤーゲームの作成、キャンペーンエディターの使用が含まれます。Battle.netやWindows Vistaラベルが含まれるディスクを通じて提供される最新のリリースは、スパウンインストールをサポートしていません。
